Precious Sunday
3 min readApr 26, 2021


How to lose significant body and belly fat on a Nigerian diet WITHOUT starving, an extremely restrictive diet or crazy exercise

About 3 days ago, I came across a digital program that promises to help lose significant body and belly fat on a Nigerian diet within 28 days without starving, an extremely restrictive diet or crazy exercise. It sounded true but one has to be careful these days. Out of curiosity, I decided to check out the information especially since there was a money back guarantee if I wasn’t satisfied.

The program was created by Olu Aijotan as a result of his 7 years of experience as a nutrition and fitness coach (at, with over 50,000 subscribers) and several years of research. The program uses the thermogenic metabolism system (a science-based fat loss system) which helps to naturally burn body and belly fat.

Having heard and read about a number of weight loss programs, I find this program very superior and super affordable and I’ll show you how. Below, I made a list of what informed this opinion:

  1. 28-day weight loss meal plan and food table of thermogenic nigerian meals for breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner.

Notice that you get to eat at least 3 times a day. No starvation!

2. A cookbook which contains recipes and instructions on how to cook and eat the thermogenic Nigerian meals in the meal plan (as in 1 above).

The cookbook contains over 45 meals. Thus, you get to eat a variety of meals not an extremely restrictive diet.

3. A simple but effective 15–20 minutes thermogenic workout system.

No crazy workouts, just a 15–20 minutes workout which you can easily fit into your schedule. No gym or equipment required.

4. A 3-weeks flat belly detox program (Homemade detox drinks, meals and recipes)

This program includes belly fat loss. Thus you achieve both body and belly fat loss in one program (2 in 1).

5. Daily Email follow-up for motivation

You won’t journey through the 28 days alone. You get daily motivation from Coach Olu via email.

6. 12-month newsletter based on new weight loss research breakthroughs on how to lose weight and burn fat on a Nigerian diet

You get to receive weight loss research updates from Olu Aijotan for a whole year!

7. Digital program

You can have access regardless of where you are, at any time on your mobile phone or laptop.

I earlier mentioned that there’s a money back guarantee which shows how confident Coach Olu is about his product. Yes, there is a 90 days money back guarantee if you don’t lose between 10 kg — 30 kg when the 28-day cycle is repeated over a period of 90 days.

Note that this program is only for those who are determined to be less-prone to obesity related diseases, to improve their self-confidence and experience the inner satisfaction that results from weight loss.

Currently, the program goes for a discounted price and comes with all the benefits that I have earlier stated. If you ask me, it is so much value at an excitingly affordable price. If you’ll like to know more about or get this product, click the link here. Do your friends who need this, the kindness of sharing just as I have done. Cheers!



Precious Sunday

I love to recommend extremely valuable products.